Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello, Hello Again

The 2009-2010 school year has begun. For the past three years the older girls have been attending the school where I work. This year we decided to have them go to the neighborhood school so they could become better acquainted with the kids in our area. They have been so excited and have had so much fun searching out and finding a few new fashions and miscellaneous school supplies for those "first impression" first days of school. Yesterday was the first day and it seems to have lived up to all the expectations. Emilie and Elizabeth both think they each got a great teacher and are looking forward to making new friends and learning new things.

Mary is starting Kindergarten this year and is soooo excited she can hardly keep it in. Yesterday was her first day in the classroom, but just for a little orientation. She recognized a few faces and thinks she'll have a lot of friends. She is delighted with the new clothes, the new backpack, the new shoes, the new teacher, the new friends, and even the packet of papers I had to read and sign and return which she called "our homework." As we sat yesterday waiting for her teacher to explain her classroom expectations, Mary asked if they would get to play with the toys in the play area of the Kindergarten room. I told her "Yes, you will get to have centers and free play time." She responded, "So you don't have to pay money to play, right?" I smiled and told her that was right.

Hurray for school!


  1. Oh, how sweet Mary sounds! I'm glad they are enjoying their new school.

  2. Leslie, we're happy too that school is finally back after a long, overly active summer!
